4 thoughts on “January 2017 – AKMS Achievers

  1. Benjamin Abankwa

    Hi Robert,
    As mentioned I have greatly improved. I’m in vol. 4 CD2. I intend to go over the challenging sections when I complete the course. Thanks and God bless you and the family.

    1. Any Key Music Post author

      Hi Benjamin, it’s great hearing from you. I’m glad to hear that you have greatly improved… Keep on completing and mastering as much as you can, and then watch the real musician come out of you.

      God Bless

  2. syl

    I would have love to have your courses,but the are too expensive for some of us in other countries-(developing).Pls do something about this.Thanks.

    1. Any Key Music Post author

      Hi Syl,

      It’s great to hear from you. I can appreciate your concern. Many people felt that way before officially starting AKMS. However, they still ended up investing in AKMS because they realized how they were comparing it.

      For example, they were used to seeing many other courses claim that they can teach someone how to play by ear through Copy-Me Videos, Picture diagrams, Show-Me software or those instant $47 courses that can teach you in minutes. By the time they get through those, 5 years have one by and they’ve spent over $600-$2000; and they still can’t play their favorite songs by ear.

      Now they didn’t have to do that, but they thought it was worth it because of how they value their hopeful result. If all of those courses can give them the result they’re looking for, they didn’t mind paying that money. So I understand when people think that AKMS expensive, because they are comparing AKMS to those.

      AKMS is a complete systematic course that teaches anyone, from any background, how to play any song of their choice by ear and in any key. A fair comparison to this would be to compare AKMS with a University course. I’m not sure what it is in your country, but in North America, 1yr for a University music course ranges from $2000 – $30,000; depending on the University. Why would someone pay that? Because they value the result of being able to finally play and think that the information that will be taught will help them achieve that result.

      But believe it or not, 95% of those who take those courses are not able to play by ear or play in any key comfortably. How do I know? I have many AKMS students with that background.

      If you’re like me, I do not like to spend money. However when I do, it always has to do with the value of exchange. Right now gas is really expensive in Canada. I don’t want to pay the prices they’re offering, but I still do. Why? Because my car needs gas so that it can take me to where I need to go. With gas I can go to the grocery store to get food for my family. That’s the value of exchange.

      Sorry for the seminar, but I do understand where you’re coming from. But remember, AKMS and any other course out there are simply vehicles to take you from where you are to where you want to go; just like a taxi (car), ferry (boat) or flight (plane).

      Some vehicles have higher prices than others because of the speed and/or ability to get you to your destination. AKMS is like the plane. The investment may be more than those other vehicles (courses), but it works and it gets you to your destination faster.

      The real comparison isn’t in how much the course costs. It’s in how much your time is worth? Do you value getting results faster or slower? Do you value not wasting time and money on courses that don’t work? Well they do show you some songs to copy; but that’s not playing by ear.

      If I was in your position, I would simply recommend doing what others have done after realizing that AKMS is really the vehicle they want to use but have a financial challenge. They saved up until they were able to invest in AKMS. I can tell you, the ones who did that are getting great results because they value their musical goals and they value the teaching that cost them something. Many of those people or on the AKMS Wall of Achievement.

      Hope this gives you some perspective.

      God Bless

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