2 thoughts on “Why Is Friday The 13th Badluck? Robert Chambers Shows You Why Through Music

  1. Oscar Hernandez

    Hello Robert, I’ve been playing piano most of my life but, you have open something in me that I could only remember feeling when I was a child. That feeling one gets when you feel that you have learned something that is good. My chest felt full of love energy. You have removed a hate that I’ve been carrying for year.
    I’ve been talking to god all my life and didn’t know it, though I felt it. No music teacher, acquaintance, or anyone in my surrounding has ever enlightened me about music in the matter that you have. For the longest I have lost all hope in man and what they have done to the music and the effect its having on our kids. Some how you have resurrected my heart and its hungry for gods word like I never felt before.
    Thank you for you,

    1. admin Post author

      Hi Oscar,

      Thanks for your message, wow. It’s very encouraging. I’m glad that this revelation in music has impacted your life in a positive way. Just in case you haven’t gone there yet, I cover more things at http://www.theoriginofmusic.com.

      I can’t wait until I release everything that was downloaded to me. The truth is indeed liberating. Music is a powerful force that God has given. Once you truly understand it, you’re eyes are opened to see what God wants to do with it and what the devil has done with it.

      The good thing is, God’s will is perfect and He always wins. That’s why He has decided to give me a little insight into His incomparable knowledge. Basically He showed me why The Any Key Music System really works; and that is because everything that I teach was first found in the Holy Bible (Chords, Scales, Fingering, Progressions, etc…)

      May you continually be blessed.


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