The Best Method To Learn Major Scale Fingering – Any Key Music Style

Here's A Taste of Some of The "AKMS Membership" Training.  Specifically you will learn how to grasp the Major Scale Fingering a lot easier than what is taught in the Traditional World.  Hope it helps!!

6 thoughts on “The Best Method To Learn Major Scale Fingering – Any Key Music Style

  1. Tanya

    This system is definitely the right system. There is nothing on the market like it. Where have you been all of my life Mr. Robert Chambers with this system? I went through vol 1 cd1 and completed it, and went into vol 2 cd 2 and completed it. My warm up daily is working on the new things that I learned (or either correcting previously learned errors). May I add that I completed both volumes in cd1 part 1 and cd1 part 2 all in one evening. I was so anxious to get the system and get going on it. I could spend all day doing nothing but the AKMS music system!

    1. admin Post author

      Hi Tanya, even though you are going through the “The Foundation” level, I’m glad that you are already experiencing the difference between the Any Key Music System and other courses.

      I look forward to adding your name to the AKMS Wall of Achievement next month.

      Keep up the great work.

      God Bless

      1. Tanya

        Hello Again Mr. Robert Chambers:
        I am one of the ones that would like to work quietly. Not too interested in having my name posted on the wall of achievement. I am now working on CD1 volume 4. I worked for weeks on getting my fingering right for the black keys and until I could play it effortlessly. Your instructions were specifically NOT to move on until we could. This course is not something I want to brush through. I want to get my foundation right so that I can move on to CD 2. I am taking my time, but I am practicing daily about 20 to 30 minutes. I understand the importance of following the course step by step. I am amazed at how fast I can do the scales and how quickly! Thank you so much!

        1. Any Key Music Post author

          Hi Tanya,

          It’s great to hear from you. I can definitely respect that, working in obscurity until it’s time to go public. If you ever change your mind regarding the AKMS Wall of Achievement, you let me know. Congratulations anyhow for how far you have come. Keep up the great work.

          ..Alright, it looks like you are following it exactly. If you do that and you don’t get the results that I say you will, you are free to tell everyone that this AKMs course does not work.

          Thanks for taking it seriously.

          I look forward to helping you reach your musical goals.

          God Bless

  2. Leta

    Hi Robert,
    I’m a violinist who learned in the Suzuki method (by ear) then went on to learn to read. When I wanted to play the piano I was sent to a teacher who taught with music and I could not make any progress. I have felt in adequate and ummusical and stupid not have kind of secretly know that there was something that could unlock my desire to compose and play by ear. I do not have a way to use CDs. Is there a downloadable version? I have been looking for someone who could teach in a style that make sense to me. I am glad to have found you. I have been working on playing scales in every key and I’m wondering if there are similar fingerings for chords. I am familiar with the Nashville number system because I play violin in pop bands. I look forward to your reply.

    1. Any Key Music Post author

      Hi Leta,
      It’s great to hear from you… I see that you’ve learned the Suzuki method as well as have a background including knowing numbers through the Nashville Number system. I’ve only heard about these methods, but I haven’t tried them. The beautiful thing about true Playing By Ear is, it works and applies to any instrument.

      You see music is a language. And To Play Piano By Ear, one simply needs to master the numbers. I believe that the reason individuals have a challenge with this is because they may know numbers; which is very important, but they don’t understand the language.

      The good thing is, you’ve done a lot of the hard work already. All you need is something to make sense of what you know. That’s why in AKMS you’ll learn how to understand what you’re playing before you play it.

      You can get more info here:

      To answer your question:
      The fingering for chords are flexible after a proper foundational start. I would start simple for Major Chords; RH = 1-3-5, LH = 5-3-1 and master that. Every other chord can be formed as a variation of that foundation.

      Good Question.

      Hope to really help you reach your musical goals.

      God Bless

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