Learn The Art of Playing Piano Without the Need For Complicated Sheet Music!

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You missed out!

From the Desk of Robert Chambers,

You're Here For One of These Three Reasons

  • You're interested in learning about a Course that helps you play Piano By Ear,
  • You're interested in learning about this approach for your child, and/or
  • You're interested in learning how to Play Piano By Ear for yourself.

Whatever the reason, you'll find that your time won't be wasted.

Our Mission:

Our Mission at Any Key Music is to teach the world How to Master The Art of Playing Piano By Ear and in Any Key.  We do that through our flagship "Any Key Music System" (AKMS) Course.

At AKMS, we teach that Music is a Language; and every Language can be learned.  The key to learning it is by UNDERSTANDING the Language.

Over the years, we've been able to successfully teach many in Countries like Canada, USA, England, Ireland, Ghana, Switzerland, Australia, Germany, South Africa, and more; However, that's not the entire world.

Over 80% of the sales we receive every year is a direct result of word of mouth endorsements from AKMS purchasers who are simply happy with their results.

Check Out These Children with AKMS

** Please note that this course is for Adults and Children aged 6+ **

Teenager Plays Classical Song By Ear and in Any Key ...

10 Year Old Plays "Lord I Lift Your Name on High By Ear" ...

9yr Old Plays "Memories"( From the Musical "Cats") By Ear

11yr Old (Featured in the Video Above) Playing "Miracles"...

What's in the Any Key Music System (reg. $400 USD)

Volume  1 "The Foundation" 4 CDs + 1 Booklet (Download $80)

In this Module, you will:

  • Obtain the proper foundation to be able to play and understand any song By Ear 
  • Never have to think twice about playing scales and chords
  • Learn the most important thing in music that is usually overlooked,
  • And more...

Volume 2 "Numbers & Ear Training" 3 CDs + Booklet (Download $80)

In this Module, you will:

  • Acquire and develop the ability to hear and pick out any Melody or Chord from any song you choose.
  • You will also acquire and develop the coveted ability to PLAY EVERYTHING and ANYTHING in Every Key.
  • And more ...

Volume 3 "Melodies & Ear Training" 4 CDs (Download $110)

In this Module, you will:

  • Develop your ability to hear, recognize, understand and play the appropriate chords for your own arrangements,
  • Hear, recognize, understand and play the appropriate chords for  songs of your choice and play them in ALL Keys.
  • Learn Left Hand Patterns that spice up your accompaniment,
  • And more...

Volume 4 "Chords" 5 CDs + 1 Booklet (Download $130)

In this Module, you will:

  • Acquire and develop the ability to form and play over 600+ Chords and understand how to use them,
  • Play any song you hear in every key,
  • IMPROVISE, SOLO and EMBELLISH any song arrangement,
  • Enhance and spice up the chords of any song, 
  • Acquire the Knowledge that all great piano players know,
  • Set the stage to truly understand the concept of MODES,
  • And more...

Reading Music vs Playing By Ear?

Before a child learns how to read English, it’s fair to say that by age 4 they should be able to speak it. Doesn’t that put the odds more in favor of them being able to read successfully? 

Sure It Does.

What if a child between 1 & 3 years old was required to learn how to read this before they were given any food.

Wouldn’t food be a good motivator? YES.

Would that be fair?  NO, because they haven’t fully learned how to speak yet.

Let’s apply this to Music. When students are taught how to speak music first (which is Playing By Ear), the odds of their musical success will drastically increase.

By the time they are to learn how to read, they will already be familiar with the sound of music and how it works. Therefore seeing it on paper will only enhance their musical experience.

So let's learn how to be conversant in music and play what you hear.


Be in front of your piano to maximize this Demo or Click Here for an online Piano

Beginner Trial Video #1

Beginner Trial Video #2

Beginner Trial Video #3

Beginner Trial Video #4

What our customers are saying:

" ... gives you a complete understanding of music appreciation."

I believe that the AKMS, is the best musical training, available that gives you a complete understanding of music appreciation.!

EPHRAIGM  //  Volume 4 Achiever

" ... Being able to play by ear is worth the effort."

I started with AKMS having a good musical background but not with playing the the piano.  I aimed for learning to HEAR the musical interrelations I already knew from a theoretical point of view.  As always, it is mostly a matter of persistence to make good progress.  Since its often highly repetitive to do everything in all twelve keys it is sometimes hard to not skip certain parts.  But ater using AKMS for more than a year now with some breaks in between I'm happy with the progress I made so far.  Being able to play by ear is worth the effort.

BERNHARD  //  Volume 3 Achiever


Be in front of your piano to maximize this Demo or Click Here for an online Piano

Intermediate Trial Video #1

Intermediate Trial Video #2

Intermediate Trial Video #3

Intermediate Trial Video #4

What our customers are saying:

" ... He is undoubtedly the best instructor I have studied with"

I have been a musician for almost 50 years.  I graduated from GIT in 1979 and studied with some of the greatest guitarists in the world.  None come close to Robert Chambers.  He is undoubtedly the best instructor I have studied with, and I highly recommend any musician wanting to learn how to play the piano by ear, and more importantly, learn to play every song in every key, try out his amazing method. Robert makes music fun, exciting, and he takes the complexity out of complex music theories.  I have studied with him for over three years now and can sit at the piano and enjoy listening to myself play any song I know in any key.  Highly recommend the Any Key Music System!

MIKE S.  //  Volume 4 Achiever

" ... he could actually sell each level for over $5000 ...."

Robert's course is amazing.  You will be far far ahead of anyone taking traditional music courses.  I have taken traditional music courses, and there is no comparison as to what you learn and how fast you learn it.  I took college level music courses and did not learn what Robert teaches in his beginning level music course.  Shocking but true, so if you're on the fence about this awesome music course, buy it now!!!  It's really a steal and he could actually sell each level for over $5000.00.  That's my opinion, and I'm not usually wrong, and if he did, I would still buy it.

TANYA  //  Volume 3 Achiever

Many of You Will Ask ...

Is this really possible? I thought you have to be born with a musical gift.
RESPONSE:  That is only true if you're trying to do it the old way.  You need to be taught how to UNDERSTAND the Language of Music you're hearing.

Will this affect my goal of reading Music?
RESPONSE:  Not at all.  It will enhance the reading because now you'll UNSDERSTAND exactly why what you're playing works.

What are the requirements to be able to successfully go through this course?

RESPONSE: You need to:
- know your A, B, C's (up to "G"),
- be able to Count up to 12;
- Tell the difference between White and Black;
- and can tell the difference between your Right and Left Hand.

If you or your child can do that, then you WILL be successful with AKMS.

What Are The Requirements To Be Able To Be Successfully Go Through This Course?

To successfully go through this Course, you need to Understand the following.:

  1. 1
    Know your A, B, C's (up to "G") 
  2. 2
    Be able to Count up to 12.
  3. 3
     Tell the difference between the color White and Black.
  4. 4
    Tell the difference between your Right and Left hand.

If you or your child can do that then you will be successful in AKMS.

I Look Forward To Your Musical Success

I'm so happy to be able to share with you the exact steps I used for myself and thousands of students worldwide oh how it's possible for everyone to reach their musical goals by learning How to Master The Art of Playing Piano By Ear with the Any Key Music System.

We look forward to your success.


Robert Chambers is Internationally recognized as the "Play Piano By Ear" and in "Any Key" Expert.  He loves to empower and equip people to reach their musical goals by UNDERSTANDING the Language of Music.

Without any formal training, he has been playing piano since the age of 3 and publicly since the age of 7.  Whether it's Gospel, Jazz, R & B, Reggae, Classical, Pop, Latin, Showtunes, you name the style, if he hears it, he can play it and better yet he can teach it. 

When he's note teaching, speaking, travelling, recording or performing, you can find Robert serving as the Orchestral Music Director at Rhema Christian Ministries in Toronto, Canada; One of Canada's influential ministries based in Toronto, Ontario.

Join Thousands of Happy Play By Ear Customers

" ... the most clearly lit path to piano progress there is ..."

Robert's teaching approach is extremely thorough and systematic.  Personally I have at times got sidetracked & gone beyond what the exercises have outlined which has slowed me down a bit.  If you invest in Robert's teaching approach you will get the most clearly lit path to piano progress there is, the challenges are endless.  Thank you Robert.

FLOYD  //  Volume 4 Achiever

" ... I wish I would have found AKMS 20 years ago!"

I wish I would have found AKMS 20 years ago!  It is helping me accomplish my dream of playing by ear.  It has also helped improve my knowledge of music theory and understanding of chord progressions.  The program is worth its weight in gold and Robert has been there every step of the way when I had any questions.  Don't wait!!!  If you are seriously interested in learning how to play piano, you need to buy the AKMS today!!!!!

BRANDON  //  Volume 3 Achiever


100% Satisfaction Guarantee

You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.  Even though the "Any Key Music System" Course can take 2 years to complete, if you're not satisfied with the course, within 30 Days just let us know and we'll send you a prompt refund.  

Robert Chambers

Frequently Asked Questions

If I purchase the 16CD Any Key Music System, will I also have access to the AKMS Membership?

Where is the AKMS Membership?

Am I getting a physical set of 16CDs shipped to me in the mail?

Does the 16CD Any Key Music System Course teach Theory?

I’ve seen and purchased many courses with the same claim of teaching people to play by ear, how is your Any Key Music System different?

I’m tone deaf, can I really learn how to Play Piano By Ear?